[–]ikatatlo 69 points 4 hours ago*
Watching the 2023 Warriors is not for the faint of heart. Damn, my heart is still racing lol.
Love how our future in JK and JP carried the start of the 4th and then Curry taking over in the last 4min. Just beautiful.
But all this was because of Looney he damn stabilized us with multiple possessions with his rebounding both oreb and dreb. We stopped the Pels getting multiple looks and put some stops. In the center of that is Looney.通,完了再琢磨一下,今天要不要赢这场球呢?
[–]TheRealSlumShedy 24 points 4 hours ago
Game thread from today was so fucking bad the first hour. So many fucking bandwagons. GREAT FUCKING WIN TO SHUT EVERYONE THE FUCK UP. LFG DUB NATION
[–]BandOfBroskis 7 points 4 hours ago
I admit, I was about to drink despondently around half time. I was fucking sad, y’all.
What a second half. Please be the turning point we are all aching for!
[–]Comfortable-Asf 6 points 4 hours ago
Feel bad for bro who was staying up til 4:30 am at half watching the game and everyone told him to go to sleep
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